We are fighting dreamers~~~
Why do banks eat each other?
I don't know, why do banks eat eachother?
They eat each other because you don't know, right?
what did one spectral analysis say to the other spectral analysis?
Use structure mapping theory wandering through problem space -- said Gentner.
don't understand
ruguo ni budong, wo ye budong.
mei you ren ming bai~~~
你的 主页 为什么 没有 其他的 人? 只有 我 和 你。。。
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Why do banks eat each other?
I don't know, why do banks eat eachother?
They eat each other because you don't know, right?
what did one spectral analysis say to the other spectral analysis?
Use structure mapping theory wandering through problem space -- said Gentner.
don't understand
ruguo ni budong, wo ye budong.
mei you ren ming bai~~~
你的 主页 为什么 没有 其他的 人? 只有 我 和 你。。。
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